Friday, February 24, 2017

Rethinking The Way We Sit Down.

Niels Diffrient is a designer who first talks about his life story and later presents his invention in this video. He first explains how he, as a child, had loved airplanes and explains about the "romance" of the airplane. Diffrient then proceeds to talk about how his obsession with drawing airplanes and building models had led to him studying aeronautical engineering, and how he briefly tried his hand at art (which he says he did not do well in), architecture, and design. Diffrient chose to stick with design for 25 years before dropping that and going into furniture.

He developed swivel chairs for offices that would comfort the workers as much as mechanically possible by making them comfortable for the human body. He believed that an association with his childhood dreams and ideas had helped him acomplish what he had done. Diffrient passed away in 2013. Though he was also known for plenty of other inventions, he would be remembered in the field of invention as a legend. And could serve as an inspiration to us all as a man who was an innovative and acomplished person who had grown and lived a childhood dream that many would never accomplish.